The Checkup

The Checkup with Dr. Scott

christmas joy

The holidays are coming, and I wanted to share some crucial information on keeping your pet safe during this festive season.

Toxic for pets

Avoid feeding foods high in fat and sugar such as hams, cookies, and cakes. When consuming foods that are rich in fats and sugars, it can cause your pet to suffer acute pancreatitis, which is an inflammatory condition of the bowels (GI system). - - Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dehydration, and lethargy.

Be mindful when getting rid of trimmings and carcasses. Many pets find great joy in dumpster diving for leftovers!

Macadamia Nuts are toxic for dogs

  • symptoms include hyperthermia, weakness, vomiting, tremors, increased heart rate, depression, muscular stiffness

Chocolate is another human treat not suitable for pets because of the theobromine & caffeine

  • symptoms occur 6-12 hrs. after ingestion and can include vomiting, diarrhea, increased drinking/urination, distended abdomen, increase heart rates, tremors, seizures, difficulty breathing, and blueish coloration of gums.

Onions are a lesser-known toxin

  • symptoms include mild cases of vomiting, blood in urine, panting

Holiday Hazards


  • can cause Irritation of the mouth and stomach, leading to vomiting


  • can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing

Homemade playdough

Decorations i.e., tinsel, wreaths small plastic toys, hooks, etc.

  • ingestion of the above item can become stuck in the GI tract and cannot be passed resulting in the need for surgical intervention.

Remember these tips when celebrating this joyous season with your pets and maybe grab some pet-specific treats instead of table scraps!

Holiday Hazards for Pets: 8 Safety Tips from Our Pets to Yours

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